Tag Archives: health

T-Rump’s GOP: Nihilists Flavored With Sadism

August 3, 2021

Weird shit facing America from the right side of the fruit bowl: Classic philosophy — nihilism — for a gut-wrenching portion of our country, who are working tooth-and-nail to destroy what’s left standing — this…

Poll: Slim Majority Of Americans ‘At Least Somewhat Support’ Face Masks

August 2, 2021

In this day and age, supposedly a time found in what’s generically called the modern era, the drag on overcoming a pandemic is both horrifying and sad. The Spanish Flu of a 100-plus-years ago could…

Matt Gaetz: ‘I Got The Freedom Variant … It Affects The Brain’

August 1, 2021

Hot outside this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley, yet although we’re at triple-digit temperatures, the air doesn’t seem as heavy as yesterday (at about the same time and temperature), a sense which could…

COVID Now ‘Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated’ (MAGA-Hatters/Republicans)

July 18, 2021

Despite the obvious: ‘“There is a clear message that is coming through: This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC’s director, said at a Friday briefing of the White House…

Current Heat Waves Made Way-Worse By Climate Change, And We Get That Important Knowledge Quicker — Good Or Bad?

July 13, 2021

In surfing the InterWebs this afternoon, scrolling across news stories on Joe Biden’s speech, COVID anti-vaxxers, Texas Demo legislators fleeing the state to keep Repubs from choking-to-death the right to vote, a new T-Rump book…

Cheers For Death From CPAC: ‘Horrifying’ Says Fauci

July 11, 2021

In the long-short run, conservatives/Republicans are destroying America on many levels, from the ballot box to the classroom, but maybe the worse strike is death — fighting the fighting of a deadly virus that’s already…

COVID Delta Variant Creating ‘A Pandemic Of Unvaccinated People’

June 29, 2021

Starting to get warmer this mid-morning Tuesday here in Califoria’s Central Valley — we’re temp-wise forecast for triple-figures again by mid-afternoon, but the bad heat seems past us, for right now. Low-90s reportedly rest of…