Tag Archives: journalism

MSM’s ‘Strategic Blindness’

December 26, 2019

Considered ‘Partly Cloudy‘ this mid-day Thursday in Merced, midst of California’s San Joaquin Valley, as I attempt to normalize my new home area — resided here thereabouts more than 30 years ago, thus I somewhat…

Journalist on the T-Rump Lying: ‘He Totally Snowed Me’

May 11, 2019

(Illustration: M.C Escher’s ‘Scholastica (Full Moon),’ found here). Dark gray skies, overcast/low clouds,and a near-gloomy Saturday evening here on California’s north coast — rain forecast for Tuesday, so there’s that… Add to the ash-like attitude,…

‘Utter Disdain’ — Another Audacious Unqualified Turd

February 8, 2019

(Illustration: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Agonizing Horse,’ found here). Clear and chilly this early-evening Friday on California’s north coast, a beautiful way to end our last few days of dry — gorgeous-bright and warm this morning without…