Tag Archives: Media

Intel UFO Report Released — One Balloon, The Rest ‘Remain Unexplained’

June 25, 2021

Fans of Fox Mulder rejoiced this afternoon as the US Office of National Intelligence released its long-awaited UFO report, though, leaving more conclusions up in the air than identified — the so-called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena…

Condo Collapse And The DOJ Contests Georgia Voting Suppression Laws — One A Horrible Tragedy With Approaching Reprecussions, The Other A Glimmer OF Hope For The Future Of Democracy

June 25, 2021

So far this Friday morning there’s at least two major news stories rolling out, both have current significance as well as somewhat longer-range connotations. Oddly, too, the pair also should be of no big surprise. Shock…

MAGA Hatters Still Believe ‘Despicable’ T-Rump

June 21, 2021

Idiots outside of an institution have a shitload of problems, reality being one of them, and with the case of T-Rump and his followers, it’s part of the Big Lie: Standing story of our times…

T-Rump ‘Nightmare’ And The COVID Killings

June 21, 2021

Here we are again, another Monday and with it another book detailing the horror of the T-Rump getting way-fucking flummoxed by the COVID-19 pandemic, brushing-aside warnings with narcissistic ignorance, allowing the virus to run rampant…