Tag Archives: Media

UFOs: Aliens Or Not — US Intel Can’t Say Other Than ‘Close Encounters’ Of The Baffling Kind

June 4, 2021

Nice drop to a Friday semi-crazy news dump, and who would have guessed UFOs would receive sincere appraisal from government agencies, especially NASA, but we live in all-around strange times. From Wikipedia: ‘In ufology, a…

Earth’s Climate Could Be Near A ‘Tipping Point,’ Creating ‘An Existential Threat To Civilisation’ — Meanwhile, The UN’s IMO Is In Bed With Polluters

June 3, 2021

(Illustration  ‘Tipping Point,’ by Ingram Pinn, and found here). Beyond the normal shitstorms of modern life in real time, probably and most-likely the greatest horror facing all of us here on planet earth inches forward…

Republicans Can’t Handle The Truth! In Fact, They Have Way-Trouble Discerning Fact From Fiction — New Study

June 2, 2021

(Illustration found here). As much bullshit is scattered about nowadays, it wasn’t surprising to learn today, according to a new study, conservatives/right-wingers/Republicans have a hard time grasping the truth of a matter. The research-study was…

Hot-Apocalypse Now: High Temps, California, Western US In Drought Conditions — Fires Up

May 31, 2021

Hot! The operative word this Memorial Day here in California’s Central Valley — we’re forecast to hit triple-digits today for the first time this year (104-degrees) and the same hateful-heat is expected the next couple…

Most-Nauseating Visual Of The Day (Or Maybe Forever): Ted Cruz Eats A Fly — Make You Want To Blow Chunks

May 27, 2021

During a regular daily-blog surf this morning I came across a horror video — worse than shitty, but yet for the subject, natural in character (h/t tweet Vixen Strangely): And to pile on: By pure…