Tag Archives: Politics

The Russians Are Here, The Russians Are Here — ‘The Largest Espionage Attack In History’

December 17, 2020

Last Sunday came word some ‘unknown’ hackers (Russians!) cracked the cyber systems of multiple US government agencies — from the Department of Homeland Security to the Department of Commerce — and maybe some state/city networks…

Newsom Says COVID-19 Vaccine To Be Distributed With ‘Inclusion And Equity’

December 16, 2020

As COVID-19 surges across California, the technical aspects of a vaccine roll-out are being pondered not only in logistics, but who will be getting the first doses, and beyond health-care workers and the elderly, there’s…

Republican Lies Are Killing America

December 15, 2020

Politics of health nowadays is deadly. Here on this Tuesday evening, the country is being ground into mush by a pandemic fueled in part by a huge faction of Americans sprouting bullshit from the Republican…

Wear A Mask! COVID-19 ‘Not Something To Be Trifled With’

December 15, 2020

Yesterday seemed special as politics and the coronavirus overlapped each other with Joe Biden finally nabbing the Electoral college president-elect title (and this morning both MoscowMitch and his benefactor, Vlad Putin, belateldy proclaimed as such),…

Electoral Dischange; Billy Barr Does A Dive

December 14, 2020

A couple of big stories this Monday afternoon, neither a big surprise, but one kind of sudden — the Electoral college voted correctly with Joe Biden once again proclaimed President-Elect (how many times now?), and…