SCOTUS Sincerely Sucks Shit

June 24, 2022

Despite knowing this was coming for weeks, SCOTUS decision today was still shitty as shit can be and puts America in the fucked-up category worldwide.

Healthcare is below gun care — via a stinging editorial this morning from the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine:

Experience around the world has demonstrated that restricting access to legal abortion care does not substantially reduce the number of procedures, but it dramatically reduces the number of safe procedures, resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. Millions of persons in states lacking protections for abortion care are also likely to be denied access to medication-induced abortions. It may be difficult for many Americans in 2022 to fully appreciate how complicated, stressful, and expensive, if even attainable, their most private and intimate decisions will become, now that Roe has been struck down. A recent New York Times article recounted the experiences of women, now in their 60s and 70s, who sought abortions before Roe.5 They described humiliating circumstances, unsafe procedures literally performed in back alleys, and the deep shame and stigma they endured. Common complications of illegal procedures included injury to the reproductive tract requiring surgical repair, induction of infections resulting in infertility, systemic infections, organ failure, and death.6 We now seem destined to relearn those lessons at the expense of human lives.

And what a fucked bunch, Republicans:

And even worse is the pre-lying-lying:

All of those assholes in a deep-well-falsehood in two minutes of hate:

In sad, suffering shit, once again here we are…

(Illustration out front: Pablo Picasso’s ‘The Weeping Woman [La Femme qui pleure],’ found here)

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