New Poll: Majority of Americans Want T-Rump Convicted, Banished From Ever Holding Office Again

January 26, 2021

America is in a kind of fix. President Joe Biden has been in office less than a week and the horrible memories of the awful days of the T-Rump are being slowly whitewashed away by a loud blare of a whining minority while the biggest chunk of Americans want the former president convicted and made to stay out of the public eye forever.
And the majority digs Joe, and despises T-Rump.

First that new poll by Monmouth University released Monday.(USAToday):

Fifty-six percent of those surveyed said they approve of the House of Representatives’ move to impeach Trump, and 42-percent said they disapprove.
The breakdown is highly partisan, with 92-percent of Democrats approving of the impeachment and 13-percent of Republicans approving; 52-percent of independents also said they supported the impeachment.

Fifty-two percent said they want the Senate to convict, while 44=percent said they do not.
Of those surveyed, 57-percent also thought Trump should be barred from holding an office in the future, while 41-percent did not.
When survey respondents were informed that a measure to prevent him from holding office could only come after a conviction, the support for conviction in the Senate increased to 55-percent.

And the holding of ‘The Big Lie: The Monmouth poll found that roughly one-third (32-percent) of Americans still believed fraud was the cause of Trump’s defeat. Sixty-five percent agreed Biden won the election “fair and square.” Of the Republicans surveyed, 72-percent said they believe Biden won due to fraud. About 10-percent said they would never accept Biden as president despite that he was already sworn in.
First sentence an unsurpising shocker: One-third, or roughly about 100 million people — let that sink deep, 100 million — believe/think/give credence to the concept/idea Joe Biden won the presidential election by large-scale voting fraud, worked apparently locally, and nationwide. And with no evidence whatsoever, even after losing nearly 80 court rulings in less than 90 days for lack of any whatsoever evidence, plus a shitload of voting recounts (Georgia had three), which also showed-zilch for fraud, and state governments/electoral college declaring Biden the winner, yet still believe/think/give credence — fairly-indicative of a serious, degenerative mental disorder.

The major overall country-moving-forward problem here is that bunch of above-mentioned people are the ‘minority.’ A most-vexing difficulty I have sometimes is understanding why Democrats don’t kick the shit out of Republicans right now — this country was way-totally fucked by Republicans, yet they’re the loudest-mouthed assholes on the scene. People who lie, scream and rant, truth-tellers tend to be more subdued, quieter.
Yet the problem persists, as in todays shitstorm in the Senate as Republicans mostly shot-down T-Rump’s conviction of inciting an insurrection, with nasty, idiotic near-screaming — Rand Paul, for one (Washington Post): ‘“Impeachment is for removal from office, and the accused here has already left office,” he argued, adding that the trial would “drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol, the likes of which has never been seen in our nation’s history.”
In reply, Chuck Schumer did kick-back a bit, saying the GOP’s bullshit was ‘“…flat-out wrong by every frame of analysis — constitutional context, historical practice, precedent and basic common sense.”
See, the truth of a matter is usually presented in a more hushed, dignified tone.

Although the screaming should be on our part, the side of reality. Especially in the horror-clusterfuck left by the T-Rump gang of Republicans — most Americans like Joe and the job doing so far:

And the majority of us — 65-percent, or about 200 million or so — believe/think/give credence to fact-based reality.
Ed Kilgore at New York Magazine this afternoon presents a rundown of new job-approval polls, first batch since the inauguration — T-Rump sucks, two-thirds down in the gully with that one-third, while the biggest chunk of the country digs Joe — couple of clips:

The reliably Republican-tilting robo-pollster Rasmussen, the only survey that regularly showed Trump at over 50-percent job approval, now has Biden at 48 percent approval, with 47-percent disapproval.
Reuters/Ipsos, an online survey that doesn’t have much history of partisan lean, has Biden’s job approval at 57-percent among registered voters, with 32 percent disapproval (Biden’s job approval is 92-percent among Democrats, 21-percent among Republicans, and 52-percent among independents).
Reuters/Ipsos had Trump at 35-percent approval and 63 disapproval in their final assessment of his performance, though that was immediately after the Capitol riot, and he retained a 70-percent positive rating from Republicans.

At the end of his presidency, Trump’s job approval in the RealClearPolitics averages was 41.1 percent approve — 56.1 percent disapprove; at the beginning, it was at 44.3 percent approve — 44.2 percent disapprove (by the end of January 2017, the ratio had turned negative for good).

According to the RealClearPolitics averages, Biden’s favorability ratio just prior to his inauguration was 50.5-percent favorable and 41.7-percent unfavorable.
Trump’s was at 41.3-percent favorable and 50.0-percent unfavorable just prior to his inauguration, and wound up at 38.0-percent favorable and 57.7-percent unfavorable as he left office.

And on top of all that, the sour, whiny orange turd is insulted personally at home in Florida (Independent):

The board of Trump Plaza in Florida has voted to remove the ex-president’s branding from its twin-buildings following the riots at the US Capitol.

The 32-storey tower in downtown West Palm Beach is a 10-minute drive from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago across the Intracoastal Waterway, where he has returned after leaving the White House to launch the Office of the Former President.

Trump Plaza’s condo board voted on 19 January to rename the complex after two attempts in 2020.
But the US Capitol riots were the “last straw” for residents, according to The Palm Beach Post.

Impeach and convict…

(Illustration: ‘National Buffoons,’ by Daryl Cagle, found here).

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