Author Archives: Bruce Maulden

T-Rump’s Appointees Flouted COVID’s Deadly/Fatal Hazards — ‘Yippee!!!’

April 9, 2021

Although I received my second COVID-19 vaccine shot this morning, Merced County where I reside is still in California’s worse purple tier category as apparently the rest of the state seems to be finally getting…

‘Global Trends’ — The Next 20 Years Don’t Look So Good

April 8, 2021

If the wordage, ‘Before Times,’ has become a catch-pin for life prior to the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, from all indications it could also come to include the period in the next generation or…

Polls And More Polls — Looking Bad For Republicans

April 7, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Look, We’ve Got To Improve Our Voter-tracking,’ canvas print by Rpbert Mankoff, and found here). In an obvious reaction to the T-Rump and Republicans in general the past four years (especially the last couple),…

Republicans ‘Delusion’ A Way-Danger To America

April 6, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Eye,’ by MC Escher, and found here). A way-enormous chunk of Americans are carrying around solid cases of mental disorder of the highest caliber and are prone to fits of pure fantasy even with…

‘Infrastructure Week’ — For Real This Time!

April 4, 2021

Anyone who does any driving — Before Times and the COVID pandemic, of course — can see our roadways, bridges and assorted, related structures are shot-to-shit and have been in crappy-dangerous condition for a long…