Author Archives: Bruce Maulden

Time Melting Away For Global-Warming Action — UN Climate Mini-Summit Last Week Saw ‘Biggest Emitters Were Noticeably Absent From The Stage’

September 24, 2023

Another bright end to another weekend this early-evening Sunday here in California’s Central Valley — we’ve been fortunate beyond belief the past few weeks as storms struck right, left and all across the globe. Still,…

Scream On Republicans, Scream On — Government Shut-Down Ahead And It’s All Your Screaming Fault!!

September 21, 2023

End of another month quickly approaches and is in easy sight this early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — hard to actually believe/contemplate it’s beyond mid-September already, with even a New Year rapidly just…

Jeffrey Clark: Fraud Apparently Part Of His Job Description — Placing Democracy In Peril

September 18, 2023

Bright sunshine with a warm breeze this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — another start to another work week. Autumn supposedly comes this Friday; one indication of the approaching fall season is darkness…

‘And While Trump May Be Laughable, He Has Never Once Said Anything Wry, Witty Or Even Faintly Amusing — Not Once, Ever’

September 16, 2023

Another noon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — weekends bleed forward it seems into next week really, really quickly. Time appears to flash past even if you’re doing absolutely nothing at all. Except for…

New Environmental Study — ‘Earth Is Now Well Outside Of The Safe Operating Space For Humanity’

September 13, 2023

Comfortable warmth in bright sunshine this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — a nice niche point on livable weather on a livable planet. However, maybe not for long. A new, scary study/assessment published…