Author Archives: Bruce Maulden

Write Now

March 1, 2018

Surprising sunshine this Thursday morning on California’s north coast, especially in light of all the bad weather that’s been forecast for the next few days. Awaiting some rain, even as the sun disappears now-and-again, the…

Tropical Forests CO2 ‘Source’ — Alarming Study

September 28, 2017

(Illustration found here). Even among the weird weather here on California’s north coast, a report this morning a bellwether/watershed story — via the Guardian: The world’s tropical forests are so degraded they have become a…

Harvey Horror: Chem Calamity

August 30, 2017

(Illustration found here). Beyond the mournful images of Hurricane Harvey’s staggering-impact on southeast Texas, the narrative could spin into a scenario of the worse kind of nightmare. Along the coast are a way-shitload of chemical…