Author Archives: Bruce Maulden

‘Trump Effect’ the Future

April 26, 2017

Light, misty-drizzle this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, and with low clouds/fog, a much-wet environment. If we can just get through today, hopefully/reportedly real-good weather starting tomorrow and carrying on for more than a…

‘Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist…’

April 21, 2017

Bright-sunshine and warm temperatures this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast. Today for my area, one of those ‘good-as-it-gets‘ — weather-wise. Fright-wise, is the T-Rump truly a psychotic, psychopathic asshole, an unsafe nutball? A professional…

Climate Change ‘Happening Under Our Noses’

April 17, 2017

Overcast with occasional drizzle this late-afternoon Monday on California’s north coast — decent-sized rainstorm due tonight, but apparently just rain on/off until the end of the week, then according to the NWS, a drier period…