‘Mess’ Monday
July 28, 2014Here we are with another Monday, and the last two days are just a much-faded memory — seems last Friday afternoon is now just a finger-snap in the past. This coming Friday? Way-the-fuck down the…
Here we are with another Monday, and the last two days are just a much-faded memory — seems last Friday afternoon is now just a finger-snap in the past. This coming Friday? Way-the-fuck down the…
Overcast and way-dark this early Friday on California’s north coast as we look forward to the weekend, now within earshot. Hairy week past with airplanes falling out of the sky at an alarming rate —…
Clear as a bell this early Thursday on California’s north coast, with some stars twinkling round about — long time since I’d seen stars in the morning. Fog is the usual culprit. This is another…
Overcast and a bit on the gloomy side this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, no fog but a deep, empty silence. Usually I can hear the Pacific Ocean making some kind of noise only…
High overcast this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and instead of ground fog, there’s a wide, black sky hanging over us. No stars are visible, though, just a deep dark. Now nearly 13 years…
Ground fog again this way-too-early, and way-too-soon Monday as we climb out onto the limb of a work week. Saturday and Sunday appear to pass in a flash — and here we are! This can’t…
(Illustration: ‘The White Tiger of Autumn,’ by Kevin Lee Drum found here). On this early Sunday, the world is in a fog. Here on California’s north coast, it’s literal — deep, ground fog, a normal,…
Overcast and a bit of ground fog this way-too-early Friday on California’s north coast as we look the weekend square in the eyes — and Saturday blinked. The air’s somewhat cooler this morning, too, so…
Ground fog again this early Thursday on California’s north coast as the work week starts to grind down toward the finish line of Friday afternoon. The weekend is now in plain sight. Yesterday, one discovery…
Fog again this early Wednesday on California’s north coast as we quickly work forward — today is the fall day toward the weekend. Hip-hip hooray! Although the NWS calls it “patchy fog,” the shit here…