Category Archives: Bullshit

The Day After Yesterday — Crazy MAGA Talk ‘Ecosystem’ Translates Into Threats

November 24, 2023

Here we are on Friday, the day after yesterday. Although there’s great news out of Gaza, in America, the Republican brand remains not-screwed-on-tight with letting go of the crazy. Not only from the T-Rump —…

Randy Rainbow On George Santos: ‘Oh, Everything He Does Is Just A Shit Stir’

November 18, 2023

Weekend again — time flies when America is having so much fun! And via the wondrous Randy Rainbow explaining the anti-marvelous Ms Santos: Meanwhile, straying further from dream to nightmare: In that near-same, familiar vein…

Republicans To Americans: ‘A Hammer To Their Kneecaps’

November 17, 2023

Dark too soon this early-evening Friday here in California’s Central Valley — another week of useless Republican non-governance as the sun sets across a chaotic, close-to-the-edge-of democratic catastrophe America; a clusterfuck of a shitstorm for…

House Speaker Shitstorm Maybe Allows Americans ‘To See The Dysfunction Of Today’s GOP Up Close’

October 23, 2023

Clear and a bit on the chilly side this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — finally it looks as though we’re in that trough of autumn, cool days supposedly ahead. Politically-cold winter festers…

‘And While Trump May Be Laughable, He Has Never Once Said Anything Wry, Witty Or Even Faintly Amusing — Not Once, Ever’

September 16, 2023

Another noon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — weekends bleed forward it seems into next week really, really quickly. Time appears to flash past even if you’re doing absolutely nothing at all. Except for…

Joe Biden Too ‘Boring’ — Regardless Of Those Astounding Accomplishments

September 5, 2023

In regards somewhat to my post from earlier today on the insane, lop-sided delusion of MAGA nutcases loving the criminal, nasty aspects of -Rump’s entire catalog of shit,  and the uphill climb Joe Biden has…

Journalism Under Attack In Kansas — First Amendment And Death

August 13, 2023

Asshole morons, obvious First Amendment violations in the biggest journalism story of the year, and death by anxiety — nothing heavy, plus creating another example of the Streisand effect. (Illustration found here.) I read about…