Category Archives: Bullshit

Journalism Under Attack In Kansas — First Amendment And Death

August 13, 2023

Asshole morons, obvious First Amendment violations in the biggest journalism story of the year, and death by anxiety — nothing heavy, plus creating another example of the Streisand effect. (Illustration found here.) I read about…

Not Guilty By Reason Of ‘Delusion’ — Democracy Hanging On Total Bullshit!

August 3, 2023

(Sketch above by Jane Rosenberg for Reuters, and found here.) Once again the T-Rump was in a packed, anxious courtroom this afternoon for more criminal activity (The Washington Post): ‘Former president Donald Trump pleaded not…

Perilous Pinocchio’s Arraignment — T-Rump Headed For DC Courtroom

August 3, 2023

Nice weather this noon-time Thursday here in Calfornia’s Central Valley — temps in the high 70s right now with an expected high only bout 10 degrees higher, and in being relative, is near-about chilly. In…

Surreal Indictment Watch

July 27, 2023

Clearly most-hot this noon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — another notch in the ever-tightening belt of climate change upon us with a triple-digit episode once again that’s fully mashed into the same scenario…