Category Archives: Bullshit

Joe Biden’s COVID-Relief Bill Is Hugely Popular, But GOP Congresscritters Hate It — They’re Gambling On Bullshit

March 9, 2021

Rain expected any time now this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley, although showers were forecast to have arrived already, and the way this winter is going, rain-wise, it may not come at all.…

‘Herd Immunity’ To COVID Could Take Awhile — T-Rump And The Russians Obstructing MAGA Brain-set On Vaccines

March 8, 2021

(Illustration found here). Although the CDC released easier guidelines today in lifestyle choices for fully-vaccinated folks, the playbook continues it’s still dangerous for COVID-19, and even now, a year later, we still don’t know a…

Americans Battling Both COVID And Republicans To Stay Alive

March 7, 2021

Another Sunday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, sunshine hazy right now with some way-needed rain forecast for mid-week. In the midst of a pandemic, once again an upcoming drought year. The numbers/stats for COVID,…

The American Dream Still A Nightmare For Most Americans

March 5, 2021

(Illustration found here). “The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it.” — George Carlin When I was growing up in the 1950s/1960s the so-called “American…

Brazen! Republicans Playing Asshole Right Up Front

March 3, 2021

As we continue on, Republicans continue their onslaught on democracy, mainly because they have no idea how to govern and their whole playbook is grievance and the T-Rump — and they just don’t give a…