Category Archives: climate change

New Research: Arctic Heating Faster Than Previously Figured

August 11, 2022

In the politics involved with climate change — the House should sign off on the Inflation Reduction Act tomorrow, with its $369bn allotted to reduce America’s greenhouse gas emissions and invest in renewable energy sources,…

BFD: A Rose Is Still A Rose — Senate Passes IRA

August 7, 2022

Yes, indeed. It is a Big Fucking Deal. The value/impact comes not only from what’s in the Inflation Reduction Act itself but that the bill actually passed the Senate, despite the notorious Manchin-Sinema one-two franchise…

Exploding Denial — Republican State Treasurers Fighting Climate-Change Action

August 6, 2022

Not an unpleasant late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley as temperatures are in the low 90s, and a gentle breeze even softens the air. Especially refreshing after a week’s worth of triple-digit heat —…

Catastrophic Climate-Change Risks Are Unexplored — ‘We Must Do The Maths Of Disaster In Order To Avoid It’

August 2, 2022

Mid-summer’s nightmare as heat and fire together in a deadly, dangerous mix — in California, the McKinney fire near the Oregon border has burned 56,000 acres and killed four people so far, further north in…

Despite Climate Change Already Here Now, Coal, Worse CO2 Emitter, Increases Production — IEA Report

July 29, 2022

Even just a couple of days after the Senate’s Manchin/Schumer spending agreement which included $370-billion to fight climate change (weirdly also called for increased lease sales on federal land for oil and gas drilling), coal…

Heat Getting Hotter: Pacific Northwest Sets Records — Again!

July 27, 2022

Not-so-bad heat near-noon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — almost pleasant you could say without being a sarcastic asshole. We’re forecast for a high of under 100 degrees today, so that’s the good news…