Category Archives: Donald Trump

The Press Is Finally Coming Around To Calling Republican Lies As ‘Lies’ With No More Sugarcoating — But Is It Too Late?

May 10, 2021

Media big-wigs of the MSM are finally circling around to reality journalism of calling Republican lies as ‘lies,’ and not ‘falsehoods, or ‘inaccurate claims,’ or some such nonsense, but f*cking-ass lying. The process has been…

Village Party Of Elderly Idiots Hosted By A Pervert And A Loony Tune — Part Forever

May 8, 2021

A way-clear example of just how really, really screwed this country is right now, when two cmplete asshole-liars and most-shitty of people churn-up the bubble-living old folks of south Florida into a scream-like rant of…

‘Foxmania’ Can Supposedly Disappear Racism And Insurrection

May 6, 2021

America seems to be getting more dark and silly: Anthony Antonio’s story today from above is folded unhingedly into the tale of another insurrectionist arrested after the Jan. 6 US Capitol onslaught — a nutcase…

Joe Biden: Republicans Swamped By ‘Significant Sort-Of Mini-Revolution’

May 5, 2021

In the midst of a pile of political shit, the workings of Republicans today once again proved how incredibly unhinged they’ve become, and how anti-American their entire operation is focused — nothing for the people…

T-Rump Drowning In ‘The Swamp’ — And Legal Troubles

May 3, 2021

Although I wrote this morning on the lop-sided power of a minority Republican party to wield such chaos-causing power on American society, there is, however, apparently some chinks in the T-Rump armor, from Liz Cheney’s…

Democracy Is Stacked Against America — Due To The Lop-Sided Influence Of Republicans

May 3, 2021

One nasty feature of Republicans is always playing ‘the victim card‘ no matter the circumstances: ‘After the attempted coup, the mood in the pro-Trump world became one of profoundest self-pity.‘ And that’s the GQP fall-back stance…