Category Archives: Environment

‘Earth Overshoot Day’ — A Climate Change/Humanity Indicator

July 29, 2021

Some more climate-related items for this Thursday afternoon as the weekend looms just ahead — another wrecked week of weird. A special day today, sort of hand-in-hand with climate change and the environment — Earth…

Climate Change ‘Tipping Points’ Are Here — Time Is Of The Panicked Essence

July 28, 2021

Despite all the juice from a shitload of news, the climate crisis caught my attention again this afternoon, especially with reports that we’re close to tipping points for the worse aspects of global warming, if…

‘Not A Welcome Piece Of News’ — CDC Recommends Masks Indoors For Even Those Vaccinated, Reversing The Trend

July 27, 2021

Serious news all day — this morning testimony/a review of a terrible-ass insurrection; while this afternoon a slide back in the struggle to get a grip on the COVID-19 virus — the former, all politics…

‘Climate Change Is Here, It’s Real And It’s Like A Hammer Hitting Us In The Head’

July 25, 2021

Overcast a bit this Sunday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, yet still hot as shit — just at the century mark temperature-wise right now, which maybe/hopefully will be the high for the day and…

Wildfires, Smoke And COVID

July 23, 2021

(Illustration  Statue of Liberty and a part of New York harbor a couple of days ago — image found here). Near-clear skies and getting warmer this mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley — we’re…

Is Climate Change Affecting Our Normal Weather? ‘You Bet!’

July 21, 2021

Warm but not on the boil side this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — just regular summertime shit with temperatures simmering just under the century mark, with more of the same expected the…

Weather Disasters Worldwide: ‘We Need To Get Really Serious About Climate Change’

July 17, 2021

Weather and its ascribed consequences continue to hold sway this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, we’re heavy-hot as we’re forecast for another ‘mega-heat-wave’ type-roll for the next few days, but happily not all…

Climate Change And ‘Stayin’ Alive’

July 16, 2021

Genius in rhythm and time — saw this earlier today at Miss Cellania‘s and it’s one of those can’t-look-away thingies: Now, guaranteed to bring you right back down — weather-impacts off climate change are being…

Two Terror-Inducing Subjects Of Grave Concern — T-Rump, And Climate Change

July 16, 2021

Cool and nice (relatively-speaking) this Friday morning here in California’s Central Valley as we once again head into the weekend — seems like just Monday yesterday, time flies whether you’re having fun or not. During…