Category Archives: Environment

Climate Change — Biden Takes ‘Whole-of-Government Approach’ To Handling The Crisis

January 27, 2021

Weather and climate hit the top spot for news this Wednesday morning as winter storms coast-to-coast are wreaking havoc across the board — here in California’s Central Valley we’re in the middle of heavy rains…

US Back In The Climate-Change Game: Kerry Speaks To UN Summit

January 25, 2021

One of the top-notch items on President Joe Biden’s agenda is a return full-steam to addressing climate change, which under T-Rump was not just put on a back burner, but tossed-off the stove completely. In…

Cleaning The White House After T-Rump Leaves A Major Undertaking: ‘We’ve Never Seen This Before’

January 17, 2021

Sunny and warm this near-midday Sunday in California’s Central Valley, surfing the InterWebs, though, not shockingly there’s a whole lot of shitty shit from all over and from just about every direction — COVID-19 still…

2020 Hottest Year On Record: ‘A Precursor Of More To Come’

January 14, 2021

Although all the screaming in the news cycle right now is primarily US domestic bullshit, any emphasis on the ugly elephant in the room (not the GOP) right now, which is climate change, goes near-about…

House Marijuana Bill Heads To Senate — No Smoke Allowed

December 4, 2020

A victory, long-in-coming: Yeah, the Senate. Even more reason the Georgia run-off is so damn important — well, way-way- important to this country’s survival in any ‘normal’ fashion. And Republicans are such hypocritical assholes: Republicans…

Getting ‘Presidential’ on Climate Change as the Arctic Continues to Warm

November 25, 2020

Beyond politics and the virus: Climate change is earth’s biggest issue, and is more than just a problem for future generations.The shit is already here. The hottest warming-up spot is also one of the coldest…