Category Archives: Environment

Climate Change: Earth ‘Stair-Stepping Up’ To Hotter Temperatures

June 15, 2023

(Artwork: ‘Landscape of Change,’ by Jill Pelto, and found here.) Sunshine and heat this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley — today is one of the steps on a rising-temperature stairway we’re going to…

CO2 Increase: Our Earth At ‘The Beginnings Of Much Bigger Changes’

June 5, 2023

(Illustration found here.) Overcast skies cool the air this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley as we’re entering a small respite for the next few days from the on-charging heat from the approaching summer…

Environmental Reality-Time Crash: ‘Our Doctor Would Say The Earth Is Really Quite Sick Right Now In Many Areas’

May 31, 2023

Sunshine galore and still on-the-cool-side temperatures this mid-day Wednesday here in Californnia’s Central Valley — a few more days of similar weather, where then the heat and bluster of summer will be upon us. According…

New Climate Change Reports: Expected to ‘Push Global Temperatures Into Uncharted Territory’

May 18, 2023

Sunshine and warmth this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley. Instead of the horrific political news, how about some horrific environmental news — climate change is here and growing worse. Although there have been…

Melting Time: El Niño Forms In Pacific, Data Indicates ‘A Very Large Spread, Everything From Blockbuster To Wimp’

May 12, 2023

Thick sunshine and way-warm temperatures this late-afternoon Friday here in California’s Central Valley — first time in a while a ‘T-shirt‘ day and strong indicators of a hot, blistering summer coming quickly. We’re forecast for…

Oceans’ Heat-Melt: Climate Change-Influenced Water Temps ‘Heading In An Unprecedented Direction’

April 26, 2023

Sunny and still just after the noon hour here in California’s Central Valley — we’re in the low 80s right now and forecast for the 90s tomorrow as the full range of the season starts…

DC Cherry Blossoms ‘Wonderland-esque’ — Again, Climate-Change At Play

March 24, 2023

As we await the weekend and close out another crazy-ass work week, here’s a normal, yet abnormal item (due to climate change), reflecting on nature’s annual flower show in DC. Yet this is better than…

Weather Shit: California AR Cruising — Once Again!

March 21, 2023

Overcast with occasional rain showers this near-noon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley with all the moisture buffered by some heavy winds blowing through the trees, making more frightful noises beyond the weather-minded environment. This…