Category Archives: Finance

Orange is the New T-Rump: ‘They’re Gonna Have Their Hands Full’

December 2, 2020

Family of the T-Rump need to ready themselves for legal matters: Ivanka is up to her fashion-tinted eyeballs in an example of early-in-the-presidential-game T-Rump grift: She testified in a lawsuit on ‘misuse’ of inaugural funds:…

T-Rump Says Everything is Going to be Great: ‘I feel it’

April 30, 2020

Sunny and breezy a few minutes past the Thursday noon hour here in California’s Central Valley. Warm, but not bad and nowhere like the last couple of days, the cool wind helps, I’m sure —…

Climate Change and Shitty, Dangerous Weather

January 2, 2020

Sunshine and a bit warm this late-afternoon of the second day of 2020 here in California’s San Joaquin Valley, a brightness after some pretty-thick morning low-clouds/fog which chilled the shit out of everything. Weather in…

Trump and the Deutsche Bank: A Tale of Bullshit

March 18, 2019

(Illustration: Salvador Dali’s ‘Hell Canto 2: Giants,’ found here). Clear and sunny Monday evening here on California’s north coast — another gorgeous day, though some coastal fog was encountered earlier this afternoon out on Manila’s beaches…