Category Archives: Health

Polls And More Polls — Looking Bad For Republicans

April 7, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Look, We’ve Got To Improve Our Voter-tracking,’ canvas print by Rpbert Mankoff, and found here). In an obvious reaction to the T-Rump and Republicans in general the past four years (especially the last couple),…

Joe Biden’s Massive Infrastructure Plan Coming Today — Republicans Piously Object

March 31, 2021

Jolting Joe Biden continues on a roll as he’s expected to propose a $2 trillion infrastructure plan today during an event in Pittsburgh — supposedly the first of two parts, the ‘American Jobs Plan‘ would…

CDC Chief Warns Of Maybe ‘Impending Doom’ If COVID Safety Measures Aren’t Enforced, Despite Vaccines

March 29, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Why Nurses Do What They Do,’ by Emily Thomas, and found here). Just I figured a long, ugly while ago, we’re far from being out of any kind of woods in conjuction with overcoming…

Too Many Guns, Too Many Deaths By Guns — Are We Numb To It?

March 23, 2021

(Illustration found here). Another mass murder event — 10 killed yesterday at a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store — three days ago, one killed, five injured at a Philadelphia house party, and last week, of course,…

History Could Repeat — Beware The Warnings From The 1918 Flu Pandemic

March 21, 2021

Another Sunday under the near-suffocating blanket of the COVID-19 pandemic, and although case numbers are falling and the vaccine-jabbing is gaining speed, the optimism which filled the airwaves the last week or so seems a…

Antiquated Flashback: Five Young White House Staffers Fired For Past Marijuana Use

March 19, 2021

When I read about this particular subject this morning, I was kind of floored. Despite this being right now and not 1975, Joe Biden’s team needs to re-evauate this situation pretty quick. Paul Waldman at…

Rand Paul Is A Gigantic Asshole, But Duh! He’s A Republican

March 18, 2021

A major problem in Amerca right now is the Republican Party. They’re all assholes. As a nation we’re facing a massivce health event — COVID-19, whch has already claimed 550,000 American lives in just a…

Republicans Are Lying, Racist Creeps, And Beyond That, Even Worse

March 13, 2021

As we work our way through this miserable age of political bullshit in the time of coronavirus, the focus on just how terrible and cruel are Republicans is obvious to anyone with walking-around sense. There’s…