Category Archives: History

Work-Stoppage Strike At The Washington Post — First In Nearly 50 Years: ‘We Just Deserve To Be Dealt With Fairly By Our Employer’

December 7, 2023

In a year of note-worthy union accomplishments across a wide variety of occupations from show biz to the auto industry, now it’s the media’s turn to stand in the labor spotlight — today about 750…

Horror History Today 75 Years Ago With Dick Nixon And A ‘Pumpkin’

December 2, 2023

In the ripple pool off my 75th birthday last Wednesday — my post here on the ludicrous, noted event — one of the offshoots was Henry Kissinger kicking the bucket that day, too. He joins…

Quickly-Approaching Climate-Change Catastrophe: ‘A Failure Of Leadership’ (And The Rich!)

November 20, 2023

As we start Thanksgiving week this Monday morning in the US, the world is on the edge of shit-storming climate change seemingly barreling out of control without much reactions — UN Secretary-General António Guterres warns:…

Randy Rainbow On George Santos: ‘Oh, Everything He Does Is Just A Shit Stir’

November 18, 2023

Weekend again — time flies when America is having so much fun! And via the wondrous Randy Rainbow explaining the anti-marvelous Ms Santos: Meanwhile, straying further from dream to nightmare: In that near-same, familiar vein…

Republicans To Americans: ‘A Hammer To Their Kneecaps’

November 17, 2023

Dark too soon this early-evening Friday here in California’s Central Valley — another week of useless Republican non-governance as the sun sets across a chaotic, close-to-the-edge-of democratic catastrophe America; a clusterfuck of a shitstorm for…