Category Archives: Madness

New Environmental Study — ‘Earth Is Now Well Outside Of The Safe Operating Space For Humanity’

September 13, 2023

Comfortable warmth in bright sunshine this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — a nice niche point on livable weather on a livable planet. However, maybe not for long. A new, scary study/assessment published…

Polls: Despite Immense Degeneracy, T-Rump Shines

September 5, 2023

Sunny and warm a few minutes after the noon hour this Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — summer falling into autumn nice and easy. So far, anyway. In doomscrolling the news this morning, I…

FBI Mass Shooting Instructional Video — Real Life Of Horror

May 10, 2023

Crystal-clear skies, a shitload of sunshine, and warming temperatures this Wednesday late-morning here in California’s Central Valley — feels like a slow review of a coming hot-ass summer. Meanwhile in the actual reality of America…

Mass Shooting Epidemic: ‘This Is Not OK. This Has To Change’

April 16, 2023

Sunshine with clear skies, so it’s really bright outside this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley. And what’s really obviously bright, too, is the massive, humungous, killing-with-guns problem we have (CBS last week): ‘Nearly…

Scream! T-Rump’s Trip To New York — A Fiasco

April 3, 2023

Sunshine galore tempered by some way-brisk, frosty-like wind this late afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — better chilled than pelted by heavy rainfall and being flooded. Despite the icy breeze, we’re forecast for…