Category Archives: Madness

‘Doomscrolling’ On Another Day That Ends in ‘Y’ — Nuclear War Edition

September 28, 2022

(Illustration: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Self Portrait Facing Death‘ [June 30, 1972], was originally found here.) Less than a year after Picasso finished the artwork above, he was dead from pulmonary edema and heart failure, so the title…

Freak Fascist Q-Crazy

September 18, 2022

Overcast with on-and-off sprinkling showers this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley — fairly-heavy rain forecast for tomorrow, so we’re going to be wet for a couple of days. In scrolling the news this…

John Kelly Used A Mental-Health Guide Book To Handle T-Rump’s ‘Crazytown’

September 15, 2022

Another T-Rump White House tell-all book offers up the starling news the Orange Turd is a horrible, horrible human being and way-fucking mentally disturbed. Surprised? Of course not. Yet it’s still way-unbelievable that this mean,…

Climate Getting ‘Heat Dome’ Hot

August 31, 2022

Although it’s still fairly pleasant in the shade this near-noon Wednesday, the direct sunshine is hotter than shit here in California’s Central Valley as we encounter another ‘heat dome‘ driving temperatures to triple digits. Not…

Jon Stewart On Republicans: ‘How Are These people human? Where’s Any Sense Of Decency, From Any Of Them?’ — ‘Motherfuckers’

July 28, 2022

Once again a blowback to asshole Republicans on Capitol Hill and their nasty, cruel approach to everything was on display this morning — in the shadow of the Manchin/Schumer agreement from yesterday, Senate GOPers retaliated…

SCOTUS Shackles EPA On Climate Change — Justice Kagan Calls Bullshit: ‘I Cannot Think Of Many Things More Frightening’

June 30, 2022

Exciting life nowadays. In the midst of shit, a glimmer of positive news — via SciTechDaily: ‘Just in time for worldwide Asteroid Day: a threatening space rock lingered at the top of risk lists around…