Category Archives: Madness

Heat Dome Again — Climate Change Sucks Big Time

June 9, 2022

Summer explodes the environment: (Illustration: ‘Heat Dome’ across US Southwest and Pacific Coast this weekend, image found here). Overcast and though a bit warm, fairly comfortable outside here near noon Thursday in California’s Central Valley…

Right-Winged SCOTUS Is Attempting ‘To Maintain A 1940s, 1950s View’ — Against The Majority Of Americans

June 6, 2022

(Illustration found here). America might be entering a open-ended minority rule over the vast majority. The Republican party and right-winger voters are the minority, but the twist this November could change all that — a…

Measurements Indicate CO2 Levels Highest In Human History

June 4, 2022

(Illustration: Art by Matteo Farinella, written by Jeremy Deaton, and found here). Once again putting aside guns and war and nasty Republican asshole politics this early-evening Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, maybe focus for…

DC Flowers — Arrogant Republican Madness

June 3, 2022

Overcast and breezy this late-afternoon Friday here in California’s Central Valley — sunshine most of the day and warm, now getting towards evening, a bit cool and comfortable outside. Enjoying the weather before the summer…

Democrats Must Stand And Fight Against Republicans’ Crazy-Ass Tilt To Have ‘Basically Declared War On Reality’

June 1, 2022

Hot even in the shade this early-evening Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — we’ve reportedly started a climb this week to summer-like temps as the weather heats up in accordance with the coming days.…