Rip, Rip, Rip It!!
February 5, 2020In “his” State of the Union last night, the T-Rump continued the lying and bullshit he’s known for, but the real sensation was a bit of backlash from his own medicine cabinet: Nancy Pelosi’s rip-roaring…
In “his” State of the Union last night, the T-Rump continued the lying and bullshit he’s known for, but the real sensation was a bit of backlash from his own medicine cabinet: Nancy Pelosi’s rip-roaring…
Another day in the American life with politics of pure horror: (Illustration: The T-Rump Shit-Dance found here). Pix above is asshole-asshat T-Rump on Sunday contradicting his national anthem pose of can’t respect the flag, “Maybe…
As most-all eyes are fastened on daddy T-Rump’s idiotic impeachment trial, son-in-law Jared Kushner is making the world safe for grifters: Some background via Vanity Fair yesterday: Last June, more than two years after his…
In some nifty news beyond the DC beltway — Peter Jackson’s documentary of the Beatles recording and musical hijinks creating “Let It Be,” and even roughing-out songs for “Abby Road,” is getting ready for release.…
Which does lead to this: This entire enterprise is a farce, but a needed farce, however. The GOP-controlled Senate will acquit, with almost no argument there. Beyond a play on words, grandstanding and other political…
Earlier in the dawn-like hours, original point of this post was to be a non-newsy update on medical marijuana based on an op/ed on the subject I only spied this morning, which was already more…
(Illustration, Jim Lehrer, found here). The awesome PBS journalist Jim Lehrer died today, age 85. He was the real voice of top-notch integrity of the Fourth Estate, an entire generation’s worth of reporting in the…
Here we go again today, round three in the shiftiest courtroom on earth, the US Senate impeachment trial of the T-Rump, the lowest-form president in the history of the American experiment. Moscow Mitch and the…
Fortunately — if such a horrifying situation with the T-Rump could have anything at all to do with anything auspicious — the entire cabal of liars, cheats, dip-shits making-up the T-Rump administration is that they’re…
Here we go, the opening round of the T-Rump’s Kangaroo Court — oops, sorry, Senate trial on impeachment — and the shit has already hit the fan. Closed tighter than a clam, the Senate is…