Category Archives: Media

Cheers For Death From CPAC: ‘Horrifying’ Says Fauci

July 11, 2021

In the long-short run, conservatives/Republicans are destroying America on many levels, from the ballot box to the classroom, but maybe the worse strike is death — fighting the fighting of a deadly virus that’s already…

GQP The Party Of Bullshit Out In The Open

July 8, 2021

Nice and still somewhat-cool this mid-morning Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, though, enjoyable right now, we’re in for some hot-spanking weather later today, and for days into the climate-changing future. Beyond weather and our…

“Rosie & Jimmy Sittin’ In A Tree” — 75 Years, “K–I–S–S–I–N–G”

July 7, 2021

Today, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter celebrate 75 years of marriage, way-long for any couple, but the longest for presidential twosomes — now well-ahead of the number-two pair, HW and Barbara Bush (73 years 111 days)…

Poll: Majority Of Americans Believe Democracy Under Threat

July 2, 2021

In a sense of relief, I’m not the only one scared shitless and paranoid about America’s democratic future: Details via PBS this morning: Two-thirds of Americans (67-percent) believe democracy in the United States is under…