Category Archives: Orwellian

Republican Voting Suppression Laws Based On ‘A Trumpian Lie’

May 25, 2021

The real danger to the T-Rump’s Big Lie is the shit-filled-sanctimonious attempts by Republicans to pass voting suppression laws to supposedly ‘protect‘ the ballot box — lying to further a lie (h/t tweet Susie): All this…

‘Enigma’ On A Saturday Afternoon Is No Mystery

May 22, 2021

In the frame of the nowadays, America is being framed with deceit by Republicans’ two-faced, victim-martyr stance on reality, not only in the Jan. 6 insurrection/riot, but through T-Rump’s Big Lie — Amanda Marcotte at…

Republicans Are Lying, Racist Creeps, And Beyond That, Even Worse

March 13, 2021

As we work our way through this miserable age of political bullshit in the time of coronavirus, the focus on just how terrible and cruel are Republicans is obvious to anyone with walking-around sense. There’s…

Global Heat: High ‘Wet Bulb Temperatures’ Intolerable For Humans

March 8, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Global Warming,’  abstract-acrylic, by  Dennis Nadeau, and found here). Beyond the normal calamities of everyday life nowadays, like COVID-19 and whatever Republicans are up to, some old-fashion back-burner news on our swiftly-deteriorating envirnoment getting…

Brazen! Republicans Playing Asshole Right Up Front

March 3, 2021

As we continue on, Republicans continue their onslaught on democracy, mainly because they have no idea how to govern and their whole playbook is grievance and the T-Rump — and they just don’t give a…

Biden: T-Rump’s Longtime ‘Erratic Behavior’ Curtails Intel Briefings

February 5, 2021

As all things must past, maybe the T-Rump will, too. However, until then he should be kept away from anything he could use, directly or indirectly, as a weapon of greedy revenge, especially national secrets…

Twitter Permanently Suspends T-Rump: ‘He Is Losing His Marbles Right Now’

January 8, 2021

A most-interesting last few days as we’ve gone from apprehension, to unreal terror and surrealisn, and then a tidal wave of major-event news — MAGA people getting arrested, fired or both, impeachment reports — to…

Mary Trump: ‘The Next Two Weeks Are Going To Be Among The Most Dangerous In Our Country’s History’

January 7, 2021

In the wake of yesterday’s clusterfuck at/in the nation’s Capitol, the shit has hit the fan on the T-Rump’s mental faculties as a clear and present danger to America. Although a goodly chunk of Americans…