Category Archives: Orwellian

Lights Out! And We Get Scary Dark

June 1, 2020

Overcast and mostly quiet this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley. Seemingly, with every day an acceleration of a shitty ride further into calamity. And today no exception: Hysteria over this is natural, but…

Masked or Unmasked — Still an Asshole

May 8, 2020

Midday Friday here in California’s Central Valley, and a way-warm one already. According to WeatherUnderground, we’re sitting on 97-degrees right now, working to a reported high of 98 — hot tomorrow, too, into the high…

T-Rump’s ‘Bullshit Attack’ on a Reporter Reveals a True Asshole-Douchebag

March 20, 2020

As we spiral out of control into the vapors of COVID-19, today’s nut-shit press conference with the T-Rump revealed himself not only as an asshole of vile, way-low moral values, but also a dangerous, contemptible…