Category Archives: Orwellian

American DNA Not Happy — Neither is Robert Mueller

April 30, 2019

Illustration to the left, Salvador Dali’s ‘Galatea of the Spheres’ (found here), seems appropriate for our times, a surreal DNA scattering, ‘…creating the illusion of three dimensions.’ A consequence of flying-apart molecules leads to becoming…

‘Terror’ or ‘Trump’ — Which is Worse?

February 19, 2019

(Illustration: M.C Escher’s ‘Three Spheres II,’ found here). Cloudy and cold this early-evening Tuesday here on California’s north coast. Bright sunshine for most of the day, and real-chilly breezy, too. Started darkening-up late this afternoon,…

‘Utter Disdain’ — Another Audacious Unqualified Turd

February 8, 2019

(Illustration: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Agonizing Horse,’ found here). Clear and chilly this early-evening Friday on California’s north coast, a beautiful way to end our last few days of dry — gorgeous-bright and warm this morning without…

T-Rump’s War Advisor

February 2, 2019

(Illustration: Salvador Dali’s ‘Baby Map of the World, 1939,’ found here). Sunshine-warm this early Saturday afternoon on California’s north coast — drizzled a bit earlier, but still managed to take the dogs to the Ma-le’l…