Category Archives: Politics

Monster-In-Chief: ‘That Is Insanity’

December 3, 2020

Instead of a message of hope in the midst of a runaway pandemic — a self-centered petulant blather (h/t Susie): Beyond the shitty attitude, incompetence and lack of any empathy for any fellow human, the…

Orange is the New T-Rump: ‘They’re Gonna Have Their Hands Full’

December 2, 2020

Family of the T-Rump need to ready themselves for legal matters: Ivanka is up to her fashion-tinted eyeballs in an example of early-in-the-presidential-game T-Rump grift: She testified in a lawsuit on ‘misuse’ of inaugural funds:…

T-Rump-Induced Antics: ‘Someone’s Gonna Get Shot…Someone’s Gonna Get Killed…It’s Not Right’

December 2, 2020

As we continue this Wednesday down the road toward Joe Biden’s taking office in 48 days, 22 hours and right now, 38 minutes, this country faces a blast of GOP-induced ugly that supports the shit…

Cruel Cretin Criminals

November 30, 2020

Today, one of the T-Rump’s campaign lawyers and a former U.S. Attorney, Joe diGenova, blurted-out some awful shit under the circumstances: The Bulwark this afternoon: DiGenova, appearing on the Howie Carr show, which simulcasts on…

T-Rump Absent As COVID-19 ‘A Natural Disaster Occurring In All 50 States At The Same Time’

November 29, 2020

Ending of the Thanksgiving four-day spread this early-evening Sunday here in California’s Central Valley, first of two precarious holiday functions to finish out one shitty year, Christmas/New Year now approaching in sight. Outside just now…

Shit-On-A-FatAss-Stick: T-Rump And His ‘Big, Massive Dumps’

November 29, 2020

Despite evidence to the way-contrary, the T-Rump continues to lie his fat-ass off about the election, screaming into the void of Fox News and his cult of lie-lovers — Maria Bartiromo interviewed/showcased the T-Rump this…