Category Archives: Politics

T-Rump Creating ‘High Levels of Emotionality’ With ‘Overwhelmed, Anxious, or Angry’ Americans — New Study

January 14, 2020

Our life nowadays is geared toward a sense of apprehension and dread — can’t be helped. This terrifying era of the T-Rump is one of chaos and constant clutter of shit-kicking episodes of bat-shit crazy,…

Climate Change and Shitty, Dangerous Weather

January 2, 2020

Sunshine and a bit warm this late-afternoon of the second day of 2020 here in California’s San Joaquin Valley, a brightness after some pretty-thick morning low-clouds/fog which chilled the shit out of everything. Weather in…

Impeachment-Bar Drinks — ‘Best Served on a Subpoena’

November 13, 2019

Foggy, damp and more-than-cool this Wednesday evening on California’s north coast — sunshine busted through a bit in the early afternoon, but slowly the scenery went all fucking gray again. Seems like everything has gotten…

Rudy Giuliani: ‘A Hand Grenade Who’s Going to Blow Everybody Up’

October 15, 2019

Sunshine this Tuesday evening on California’s north coast, a fine turn-around from most of a cloudy-foggy day. Rain expected tomorrow. Despite the gray-ash chill, the Ma-le’l Dunes this morning was still a gorgeous dog run.…