Food and Thought
September 17, 2014Overcast with a bit of ground fog this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — onward we go! Earlier this month, the US Department of Agriculture reported nearly 50 million Americans live in households with…
Overcast with a bit of ground fog this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — onward we go! Earlier this month, the US Department of Agriculture reported nearly 50 million Americans live in households with…
Supposedly, Sarah Palin was on point with a ‘gotcha’ moment last weekend when she and her entire brood got involved in huge brawl. I first saw the story this morning at Raw Story, then there’s…
In the grand slush of news lately, I’d overlooked today’s 40-year anniversary — Gerald Ford’s forgive-and-forget of Dick Nixon. And nearly 40 years later, President Obama did just about the same thing with George Jr.…
Deep ground fog this early Thursday on California’s north coast — not like just awhile ago when it appeared we might actual receive some sunshine with sunrise. Dawn was nearly clear, even a few sprinkling…
Last Friday 40 years ago, Dick Nixon quit. He babbled a few words, jumped on a helicopter after performing his standard idiot’s wave, and flew home to somewhere near the house his daddy built. I…
This past weekend, Sarah Palin supposedly launched her own online network, where for $9.55 a month (or $99.95 for a whole year) a subscriber can binge on Palin’s witless wit: “I want to talk directly…
Foggy and chilly this way-too-early Monday on California’s north coast as the weekend officially comes to an abrupt end without much fanfare. An ugly morning is a Monday. And speaking of pure ugly — on…
A foggy and chilly Saturday morning on California’s north coast — normal as the word ‘standard.’ Last week, as anyone paying just a gist-amount of attention would know, results from a Quinnipiac University National Poll…
Foggy again this early Thursday on California’s north coast, but supposedly we’re into a nice stretch of weather, especially with the big holiday tomorrow. Although just a mile or so inland temperatures are expected to…
Fickle the hands of events, coupled with stupid: In a survey of 1,446 registered voters, 33 percent said Obama was the worst president since World War Two, while 28 percent pointed to his predecessor, George W.…