Category Archives: Republicans

Republicans Bogus Vaccine Views Could Keep US From COVID Herd Immunity

April 21, 2021

Meanwhile, beyond the shooting of guns and the killing thereof, the immediate COVID threat continues to expand with the possibility that even vaccines available, there’s enough assholes who won’t take a shot to keep the…

Joe Biden’s Summit On Climate Change Due This Week As Majority Of Americans Say Address The Problem ‘Right Now’ — Republicans Not So Much

April 19, 2021

Beyond the knotty dung-drops happening right now — another shooting, closing arguments in the Derek Chauvin murder trial, Republicans whining about Maxine Waters talking truth, a drone flight on Mars, and so forth — a…

Polls And More Polls — Looking Bad For Republicans

April 7, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Look, We’ve Got To Improve Our Voter-tracking,’ canvas print by Rpbert Mankoff, and found here). In an obvious reaction to the T-Rump and Republicans in general the past four years (especially the last couple),…

Republicans ‘Delusion’ A Way-Danger To America

April 6, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Eye,’ by MC Escher, and found here). A way-enormous chunk of Americans are carrying around solid cases of mental disorder of the highest caliber and are prone to fits of pure fantasy even with…

Republican Troll Two-Step: Lie And Then Play The Victim, Or Scream ‘No Reasonable Person’ Would Believe It Anyway

March 22, 2021

Sunshine with a cool breeze this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley as we try and make it through the shit piled-up around our ears. One aspect of this shit is the astounding, unmitigated…

Insurrection/Sedition MAGA Hatters Plow Through — A Dramatic War-Zone Montage

March 22, 2021

January’s insurrection/riot at the US Capitol building is still fresh in the air, but the ghastly event was perpetrated by self-centered dimwits like this coffee-shop owner in Ohio: ‘“If you voted for Joe Biden, don’t…

One Flew Over The Fox-News Nest — Bragging For Vladimir

March 19, 2021

Fucked-up Fox News — this is literally insane: Details on this great and wonderous moment via The Washington Post this morning: President Biden on Friday morning stumbled several times as he climbed the stairs to…