Tag Archives: assholes

Ukraine History Chimes — Vlad Putin’s ‘Obsession’

January 27, 2022

Daylight fading as we approach early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, a fine finish to a day that started with a deep-gray fog, which burned off quickly into bright sunshine and warm temperatures —…

Butterfly Sanctuary Taking Refuge Due To ‘Credible Threats’

January 27, 2022

In dangerous territory as we are right now, even butterflies appear in possible jeopardy: An e-mail from the National Butterfly Center was shared this morning at Daily Kos, explaining the shit-situation, pretty straight-forward and on…

SCOTUS Or Not — For Republicans ‘Cruelty Is The Point’

January 26, 2022

(Illustration: Pablo Picasso’s mural,’ Guernica,’ found here). Tweaking the news cycle this Wednesday evening is an idiot rhyme: Breyer to retire. Since this morning, all the shit all the time is about Breyer’s announced retirement…

Joe And Grown-Up Talk

January 24, 2022

After performing sub-level work on a continuous basis, Fox News‘ Peter Doocy today appeared once again on the receiving end of reality inspired by obvious sense and truth — Joe Biden slipped into the common-man…

T-Rump And The COVID Spread

January 23, 2022

Another weekend coming to an end this early-evening Sunday here in California’s Central Valley, and, too, the first month of a new year is near-about gone already, maybe a preview of just how quickly 2022…

Republicans: ‘Name Me One Thing They’re For’

January 21, 2022

One of the toughest questions to answer nowadays — at least for me, from a sane, somewhat knowledgable crux — is how can any person of any sense vote Republican? We’re in a way-dangerous moment…

New Study: ‘An Alarming Indication That Our Democracy Is Not As Stable As In Past Elections’

January 20, 2022

(Illustration: ‘A Mild Case of Cognitive Dissonance,’  ink on canvas, by Wilf Tilley, and found here). As early-evening Thursday fashions itself here in California’s Central Valley, the country is becoming more and more a problem…