Tag Archives: assholes

T-Rump’s ‘Bullshit Attack’ on a Reporter Reveals a True Asshole-Douchebag

March 20, 2020

As we spiral out of control into the vapors of COVID-19, today’s nut-shit press conference with the T-Rump revealed himself not only as an asshole of vile, way-low moral values, but also a dangerous, contemptible…

Coronavirus Info Death Rattle — Depends on the Source (And Sense)

March 19, 2020

Little wonder we’re having trouble getting a handle on COVID-19 here in the US, bullshit is sinking the playing field, not leveling it (h/t BJ): Yet the assholes at Fox News shifted their views without…

Donna Edwards: T-Rump ‘would actually, I think, do better in terms of the public if he’d just shut up’

March 14, 2020

Even on the weekend the wind blows, which way-or-not depends, and so the coronavirus continues to barrel-down upon humanity with full, unchecked glee — we’re coupled with a pandemic and an idiot in charge of…

Italian Doctors Fighting Coronavirus Warns — ‘We wish to convey a strong message: Get ready!’

March 10, 2020

Although the irony is absolutely lost, the T-Rump claiming Joe Biden ‘“doesn’t know where he is, or what he’s doing” ‘ is way-remarkable in the context of the reality actually infused in our so-called president.…