Tag Archives: Donald Trump

‘Enigma’ On A Saturday Afternoon Is No Mystery

May 22, 2021

In the frame of the nowadays, America is being framed with deceit by Republicans’ two-faced, victim-martyr stance on reality, not only in the Jan. 6 insurrection/riot, but through T-Rump’s Big Lie — Amanda Marcotte at…

New York Legal Cases Against T-Rump Amplify — ‘That Corrupt Motherfucker’ Could Go Down

May 20, 2021

Big news this morning on the legal side of the T-Rump world as it was announced New York prosecutors are not only pursuing a criminal angle, but also now going after the orange turd’s CFO…

To Insurrect, Or Not To Insurrect — Shakespeare Sure-As-Shit Not Sayeth

May 19, 2021

Now we know how Republicans can be such shameless, flip-flopping, lying assholes (h/t tweet C&J): One of the most-ridiculous instances in current American life is how Republicans can, without an ounce of discomfiture or remorse,…

Lady Liberty Inundated By Republicans’ Way-Obvious Bullshit Lies

May 13, 2021

Beyond the Liz Cheney vs The Big Lie clusterf*ck yesterday, there was another GQP-induced fiction-drama played-out at the House Oversight and Reform hearing on the Jan.6 insurrection/riot at the US Capitol building — Republicans lied…

Climate-Change Report T-Rump Hid Describes ‘Disturbing’ Changes In US Environment

May 12, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Climate Change,’ acrylic and watercolor on canvas, by Mina Bedogne, and found here). As time goes on, we’ll discover the T-Rump’s period in the Oval Office was way-worse then we even supposed, which was…

Republicans Declare War On American Democracy And Reality

May 12, 2021

Whoa, this day: Mr. Gibbs: “She was singing about pirates. Bad luck to sing about pirates, with us mired in this unnatural fog… mark my words!” Norrington: “Consider them marked.” — “Pirates of the Caibbean:…

The Press Is Finally Coming Around To Calling Republican Lies As ‘Lies’ With No More Sugarcoating — But Is It Too Late?

May 10, 2021

Media big-wigs of the MSM are finally circling around to reality journalism of calling Republican lies as ‘lies,’ and not ‘falsehoods, or ‘inaccurate claims,’ or some such nonsense, but f*cking-ass lying. The process has been…