What is Who?
March 13, 2020Indeed, who the fuck are these people? Is a major part of this country’s population completely vile-stupid? (h/t Tom Sullivan at Digby): And blind as shit — analysis via CNN this morning: There are big…
Indeed, who the fuck are these people? Is a major part of this country’s population completely vile-stupid? (h/t Tom Sullivan at Digby): And blind as shit — analysis via CNN this morning: There are big…
Time marches onward not necessarily forever it seems as the coronavirus is rapidly creating a nasty whirlwind across the globe, and forcing a dent in the historic spacetime reality of modern life. The COVID-19 is…
(Illustration found at National Geographic). A new climate report that’s more than a little ominous — the Guardian this afternoon: Tropical forests are taking up less carbon dioxide from the air, reducing their ability to…
In this era of a malicious-doomed apprehension, another brick in the wall — although the US is low on the lost chart, this new climate-change consequence of losing shoreline is part-n-parcel for the nowadays. Image…
Along with everything else, there’s that Chinese coronavirus, and today an unexpected shock — latest California victim was reported in Humboldt County, where I used to live for more than 12 years until moving here…
Sunshine is good, but we really need rain to survive. Although our Pacific Northwest neighbors experienced drenching rainfall already this year, California has been pretty-much dry, somehow the storms missing us. Yesterday, the U.S. Drought…
A major environmental report largely ignored — methane is an air bitch: from ScienceAlert yesterday on a new study published in Nature: Methane is an ‘invisible climate menace’ — roughly 30 times more potent as a…
Just to keep up with non-T-Rump news, the planet is still getting hotter, and one of the creeping-hot spots is Antarctica — on the same day last week, an iceberg nearly the size of Atlanta…
Beyond the threat to democracy, the T-Rump is also a total threat to all of humanity — report of a new poll at EurekaAlert yesterday shows 56-percent of US adults believe the top issue we’re…
In the midst of an age of awful anxiety, here’s more to the weight — from the Guardian this morning: The heat in the world’s oceans reached a new record level in 2019, showing “irrefutable…