Tag Archives: Finance

T-Rump Org. Guilty Of Tax Crimes — ‘A Case About Greed And Cheating’

December 6, 2022

Overcast and gray this early-evening Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — a ring of winter in the miserable-looking sky. Meanwhile, back east the T-Rump was hit where it hurts — in the being-a-lying-asshole game.…

T-Rump’s A Crooked Crook: ‘I’m Not Saying It Is Crime, But It’s A Grift’

June 13, 2022

Breezy and comfortable outside this early-evening Monday here in California’s Central Valley — the wind is a way-big factor in keeping heat down to manageable levels, though, tomorrow we’re supposedly starting another episode of higher…

Tweet Of The Week (So Far) — Liars Get-Rich Edition

February 11, 2022

Ominously well-warm near-mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley. We’re much-too-quickly working our way into a new year with summer just around the hot-as-shit corner. Once in a while, you come across something that epitomizes…

Time-Dealing On The Ceiling — MoscowMitch Munches Madness

October 5, 2021

Even as the world turns, the debt-ceiling trainwreck is still hollering on down the track with about two weeks left before the US powers off the rails into financial never-never land. Odd, though, the entire…

Joe Biden: Republicans ‘Playing Russian Roulette With The US Economy’

October 4, 2021

Overcast and brown once again this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley, the blowback/blow-around off wildfires burning south of us. Further proof of days like this of being normal. In another overcast story in…

New York Legal Cases Against T-Rump Amplify — ‘That Corrupt Motherfucker’ Could Go Down

May 20, 2021

Big news this morning on the legal side of the T-Rump world as it was announced New York prosecutors are not only pursuing a criminal angle, but also now going after the orange turd’s CFO…

Joe Biden’s First Speech To Congress Tonight: Amid Good Approval Ratings From The Public, He Will Detail A ‘Profound Pivot’ Of Government In American Society

April 28, 2021

As Joe Biden gets ready to make his first speech to a joint session of Congress tonight, rolling with a theme of “America is on the move again,” there’s a bit of history, too: ‘He’ll…