Tag Archives: Finance

Republicans Are Lying, Racist Creeps, And Beyond That, Even Worse

March 13, 2021

As we work our way through this miserable age of political bullshit in the time of coronavirus, the focus on just how terrible and cruel are Republicans is obvious to anyone with walking-around sense. There’s…

Republicans Are Dangerous — Both With Democracy And With People Staying Alive

March 11, 2021

As I posted yesterday about vote suppression across the US by Republicans, it seems Georgia is not alone in bullshit hypocrisy with Arizona a way-prime example: The GOP is fucked with voters and they know…

Joe Biden’s COVID-Relief Bill Is Hugely Popular, But GOP Congresscritters Hate It — They’re Gambling On Bullshit

March 9, 2021

Rain expected any time now this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley, although showers were forecast to have arrived already, and the way this winter is going, rain-wise, it may not come at all.…

‘Custom-Made Jumpsuit’ Time — NY DA Has T-Rump’s Tax Records

February 25, 2021

Way-quickly after the SCOTUS ruling on Monday that the T-Rump’s accounting firm must turn over tax records to New York DA Cyrus Vance’s office, the documents are in the hands of prosecutors: Background/details via CNN…

Time Tight Toward COVID/Spending Bill — T-Rump May/May Not Sign (UPDATE: T-Rump Signed!)

December 27, 2020

UPDATE: ‘Per CNN: President Donald Trump has signed the massive $2.3 trillion dollar coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law Sunday night, according to multiple sources, averting a government shutdown that was set to…

Orange is the New T-Rump: ‘They’re Gonna Have Their Hands Full’

December 2, 2020

Family of the T-Rump need to ready themselves for legal matters: Ivanka is up to her fashion-tinted eyeballs in an example of early-in-the-presidential-game T-Rump grift: She testified in a lawsuit on ‘misuse’ of inaugural funds:…

T-Rump Says Everything is Going to be Great: ‘I feel it’

April 30, 2020

Sunny and breezy a few minutes past the Thursday noon hour here in California’s Central Valley. Warm, but not bad and nowhere like the last couple of days, the cool wind helps, I’m sure —…