Tag Archives: health

Biggest Aid In COVID Surge — ‘Vaccine Protection’

December 17, 2021

As the COVID pandemic appears to be getting ready to hit the high-surge button again, this particular virus news story this morning was not top of a lot of media lists, usually well down on…

California COVID Surge Despite High Vaccination Rates: ‘Still In A Risky Situation’

November 20, 2021

Sunshine again this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — there was deep fog earlier but burned off and we found ourselves with a nice autumn day, with warmish temperatures stoked by cool, wimpish…

Working And Sorrow In A Time Of COVID Sorrow: America’s Federal Law — ‘Buck Up And Carry On And Keep Your Chin Up’

November 5, 2021

Everything is now embedded in a horrid Friday news dump — in this case today, a dump on anxiety levels from so many different angles it’s shitty to contemplate. Even in handling sorrow: Chad Broughton,…

Cold-Coal Joe’s Legislative Work ‘Astoundingly Cruel’

October 29, 2021

One depressing sign of the times unseen by apparently a shitload of Americans — one party (Democrats) are focused on helping people, attempting to enact policies that give aid to families, while on the other…

T-Rump Should Be Charged With ‘Mass Homicide’ In Mishandling Pandemic — He Never Will, Though

October 19, 2021

Sunny and nice this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley, weather as an indicator of living. Meanwhile far to the East, the House select committee on the Jan. 6 insurrection/riot calls contempt for Steve…

Enigma ‘Shine’ On A Sunday While ‘Hope Is The Thing With Feathers’

October 17, 2021

Muted-yellow sunshine this late-afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley — there’s a shine in the air, but a bit on the mellow side, like maybe influenced by some forest fire smoke. Although fires burning…

Study: MAGA Crazies More Emboldened By Crazy Than Politics

October 16, 2021

Across the great divide of Red and Blue America, the MAGA hatters, anti-mask nutcases currently making life feel worse have been seething underground forever waiting for someone like the T-Rump to come along and plug…

New Study: COVID Protection Procedures ‘Politicized’ — Duh!!

October 12, 2021

Although Republicans/MAGA hatters/Q-balls hate vaccine and mask mandates, the COVID-19 virus loves them — yesterday Texas nit-twit Gov. Greg Abbott idiotized an executive order barring private companies or any other entity from requiring vaccines, this…

Pandemic Milestone — 700,000-Plus Americans Dead, Producing ‘Red COVID’

October 1, 2021

Of all the Friday news dumps this particular Friday was another COVID-19 milestone — more than 700,000 Americans have now died from the virus. Especially looking at the tweet below, and those wonderful summer months…