Tag Archives: History

‘Gaetzgate’ Is The Republican Form In The T-Rump Era — Along With Vote Suppression And Guns

April 1, 2021

Warm-bordering-on-hot this late-afternoon Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, with deep, yellow sunshine adding to the sense of heat — summer’s coming way-soon and it’s going to be long and hard. In the news, Republicans…

Joe Biden Leads First Cabinet Meeting — Republicans Still Asshole Ignorant

April 1, 2021

As the ‘normal‘ is made the new ‘abnormal‘ in this day-and-age, Joe Biden is taking the bull by the horns and moving this country in the right direction despite the over-stuffed spasms of Republicans, who…

T-Rump Faces Mounting Legal Woes — ‘In Serious Trouble’

March 31, 2021

Maybe for the first time in his long, repugnant life, the T-Rump could finally be in the legal shits, between tax/business shenanigans in New York (and elsewhere), his inciting an insurrection, and pending court cases…

Joe Biden’s Massive Infrastructure Plan Coming Today — Republicans Piously Object

March 31, 2021

Jolting Joe Biden continues on a roll as he’s expected to propose a $2 trillion infrastructure plan today during an event in Pittsburgh — supposedly the first of two parts, the ‘American Jobs Plan‘ would…

T-Rump Lies And Rants, Joe Biden Still Way-Popular And Doing A Good Job

March 29, 2021

As Joe Biden continues to be as popular as ever, and carries on with poise and determination, the wallowing-in-pity T-Rump maintains his lying status as a goof-ball dipshit, and after hyjacking a wedding repection over…

CDC Chief Warns Of Maybe ‘Impending Doom’ If COVID Safety Measures Aren’t Enforced, Despite Vaccines

March 29, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Why Nurses Do What They Do,’ by Emily Thomas, and found here). Just I figured a long, ugly while ago, we’re far from being out of any kind of woods in conjuction with overcoming…

Lindsey’s Sanctimoniously Sashaying Simply Stupefying

March 28, 2021

In a post designed to showcase an American piece of shit, a nice start is to first exhibit that sense of helping neighbors and fellow companions (h/t tweet tengrain): And shifting to something that’s utterly…