‘Scrubs’ Unscrubbed
March 17, 2020While we seem to be going through an old Twilight Zone episode, or an updated Steven Soderbergh movie, the heartfelt sense really enabled an ancient clip off the classic “Scrubs” TV show from 2006 —…
While we seem to be going through an old Twilight Zone episode, or an updated Steven Soderbergh movie, the heartfelt sense really enabled an ancient clip off the classic “Scrubs” TV show from 2006 —…
A true explanation on the rage of the coronavirus (h/t tengrain): Really nothing else to be said… (Illustration: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Seated Pierrot,’ found here).
Time marches onward not necessarily forever it seems as the coronavirus is rapidly creating a nasty whirlwind across the globe, and forcing a dent in the historic spacetime reality of modern life. The COVID-19 is…
Although the irony is absolutely lost, the T-Rump claiming Joe Biden ‘“doesn’t know where he is, or what he’s doing” ‘ is way-remarkable in the context of the reality actually infused in our so-called president.…
Another start to another incompetent, idiotic week posed by the T-Rump as the coronavirus spreads further and further, the stock market tanks and people are getting sick of his shit — literally. Yet the horrifying…
As the beast of a floating, swirling disease covers the planet in fear, a couple of tunes — the first, a look skyward: And a lyrical strange: This coronavirus is indeed spreading — 442 cases…
(Illustration found at National Geographic). A new climate report that’s more than a little ominous — the Guardian this afternoon: Tropical forests are taking up less carbon dioxide from the air, reducing their ability to…
America is on a threshold of some heavy shit. (Illustration: Elizabeth Warren, found here). Yesterday, my most-favorite Elizabeth Warren went down in sad flames in the Super Tuesday primaries played out over 14 states, and…
In this era of a malicious-doomed apprehension, another brick in the wall — although the US is low on the lost chart, this new climate-change consequence of losing shoreline is part-n-parcel for the nowadays. Image…
A bit of sad news announced today — Clive Cussler, action-adventure novelist, who sent unflappable fiction hero Dirk Pitt on insane missions all over the globe, died Monday at his home in Scottsdale, Ariz. He…