Tag Archives: Media

‘Destination’ 11 — ‘Understand What I’ve Become’

December 24, 2021

In lieu of dismal words this Friday morning on the eve of a holiday, another post in our ‘Destination‘ series of music and non-hand-wringing (last one here and if you want, follow the series backward…

Time Melting Away For Voting Rights — And Democracy!

December 22, 2021

As Republicans slowly-swiftly strangle democracy at the voting booth, there doesn’t seem to be much we can do, other than get as many people out to vote next November as possible. Until then: Shitty details…

Unprecedented Tech Whirlwind Creating Chaos — 2021 A Year Of Living ‘Faster And Faster’ And 2022 Most-Likely Even Worse

December 19, 2021

Bypassing the roaring news cycle this evening, a brief current-affairs history insight. In this past year, along with a horrifying, never-ending pandemic, severely-serious Republican democracy dismantlement (and pandemic enhancement), and a shitload of lesser ills,…

Screaming At MonsterMash Manchin — ‘A Walking Conflict Of Interest’

December 19, 2021

Dense, chilly fog here mid-day Sunday in California’s Central Valley, a full-scale return to our ‘tule fog‘ bullshit once again after some rain last week, with the version this morning a thick, near-opaque gray in…

Biggest Aid In COVID Surge — ‘Vaccine Protection’

December 17, 2021

As the COVID pandemic appears to be getting ready to hit the high-surge button again, this particular virus news story this morning was not top of a lot of media lists, usually well down on…

An Attempted Coup, Polar Bears And Terrible Weather — ‘Really Abnormal’

December 16, 2021

In the flow of news this Thursday afternoon, here’s a potpourri post of politics and an oddity of what makes the nowadays weird as shit — and a future-looking narrow hope right now. If Republicans…