Heart the Dumb
February 14, 2020Start another dumb celebration off right (h/t Miss Cellania): Just another Friday news-dump day… (Illustration found here).
Start another dumb celebration off right (h/t Miss Cellania): Just another Friday news-dump day… (Illustration found here).
Time flies when you’re having fun — this evening 56 years ago a major social event which set the cultural standard-pace even until to this very day, media/music/me: The Beatles appearance on the Ed Sullivan…
In sideways, an ugly, nasty-looking sonofabitch on the war path of cruel chaos — a face snapped by photographer Bill Moon of a moon-faced monster: And you would know, the T-Rump can’t let anything go:…
This comes dint of a post from a year ago, and was found originally here — horrifying in its perspective now more than three years later: And from that post: Some old near-forgotten lore, though…
In some nifty news beyond the DC beltway — Peter Jackson’s documentary of the Beatles recording and musical hijinks creating “Let It Be,” and even roughing-out songs for “Abby Road,” is getting ready for release.…
Here it is the third day in the defense of the T-Rump in his Senate impeachment trial and the proceedings are batshit-crazy, mainly because it’s obvious the orange turd is guilty, but now there’s John…
Earlier in the dawn-like hours, original point of this post was to be a non-newsy update on medical marijuana based on an op/ed on the subject I only spied this morning, which was already more…
(Illustration, Jim Lehrer, found here). The awesome PBS journalist Jim Lehrer died today, age 85. He was the real voice of top-notch integrity of the Fourth Estate, an entire generation’s worth of reporting in the…
Here we go, the opening round of the T-Rump’s Kangaroo Court — oops, sorry, Senate trial on impeachment — and the shit has already hit the fan. Closed tighter than a clam, the Senate is…
Among a mass of shitty news this Monday, the Academy Awards nominations were announced and “Little Women” director, Greta Gerwig, was snubbed, although the movie nailed six other spots, including Best Picture — no female…