Scream For Ukraine: Scream!
March 1, 2022Ukraine continues to blast on top of the news cycle here about mid-day Tuesday in California’s Central Valley — and like the long- hot summer seemingly straight ahead, shitty war news is most-likely to just…
Ukraine continues to blast on top of the news cycle here about mid-day Tuesday in California’s Central Valley — and like the long- hot summer seemingly straight ahead, shitty war news is most-likely to just…
Entering the third day of the crazed, maladjusted invasion of Ukraine, Rachel Maddow set the standard in revealing the real asshole, piece of shit that’s Vlad Putin — a whine-fest way-anti-democratic and dangerous turd: Rachel…
(Illustration from The New York Times earlier this morning). As I type this post, I’m watching Joe Biden do his thing as all of us come to grips with a shitty, un-called-for war in Ukraine, and…
Once again, back again this near-mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — expecting some rain this afternoon, but this is drought infested lands, so I don’t expect much. Despite not feeling real good, at…
(Illustration found here). Anxiety-inducing news out of eastern Europe this Saturday (a throwback to the ’90s, or maybe the 1930s?) is the mad escalation of the dustup/invasion of Ukraine by Vlad’s Russian army — as…
Daylight fading as we approach early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, a fine finish to a day that started with a deep-gray fog, which burned off quickly into bright sunshine and warm temperatures —…
Cool and way-comfortable this mid-day Saturday in California’s Central Valley after a week of triple-digit temperatures and real-heavy air — a day of national remembrance of horrific airliner attacks on the World Trade Center and…
(Illustration: ‘MQ-9 Reaper,’ digital artwork by Tommy Anderson, and found here). Oddly and horribly ironic on the eve of one of America’s near-sacred, modern anniversaries, a report today the military drone strike last month in…
Joe was pretty straight today: He took charge of the endgame while also noting the contribution of the T-Rump, though, Republicans won’t (literally) hear a word of it — despite the shit from the T-Rump…
Joe Biden is handling a shocker this afternoon, usually in his normal, low-key stand-out approach on the bombings in Afghanistan (death toll has risen, now 13 in total of American military fatalities, with 14 wounded),…