Tag Archives: war

Maddow: Putin A ‘Kleptocratic Dictator’

February 25, 2022

Entering the third day of the crazed, maladjusted invasion of Ukraine, Rachel Maddow set the standard in revealing the real asshole, piece of shit that’s Vlad Putin — a whine-fest way-anti-democratic and dangerous turd: Rachel…

War! — ‘Friend Only To The Undertaker’

February 24, 2022

(Illustration from The New York Times earlier this morning). As I type this post, I’m watching Joe Biden do his thing as all of us come to grips with a shitty, un-called-for war in Ukraine, and…

Introspection In Time And History — Russians and Republicans

February 22, 2022

Once again, back again this near-mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — expecting some rain this afternoon, but this is drought infested lands, so I don’t expect much. Despite not feeling real good, at…

Ukraine History Chimes — Vlad Putin’s ‘Obsession’

January 27, 2022

Daylight fading as we approach early-evening Thursday here in California’s Central Valley, a fine finish to a day that started with a deep-gray fog, which burned off quickly into bright sunshine and warm temperatures —…

Nine/Eleven — 20 Years Of Crippling History

September 11, 2021

Cool and way-comfortable this mid-day Saturday in California’s Central Valley after a week of triple-digit temperatures and real-heavy air — a day of national remembrance of horrific airliner attacks on the World Trade Center and…

Afghan Agony: One Final US Drone Mistake Massacre

September 10, 2021

(Illustration: ‘MQ-9 Reaper,’ digital artwork by Tommy Anderson, and found here). Oddly and horribly ironic on the eve of one of America’s near-sacred, modern anniversaries, a report today the military drone strike last month in…

Joe Biden’s Passion With Afghanistan: ‘I Was Not Extending A Forever Exit’

August 31, 2021

Joe was pretty straight today: He took charge of the endgame while also noting the contribution of the T-Rump, though, Republicans won’t (literally) hear a word of it — despite the shit from the T-Rump…

Biden Blowback On Terror — ‘We Will Not Forgive. We Will Not Forget. We Will Hunt You Down And Make You Pay’

August 26, 2021

Joe Biden is handling a shocker this afternoon, usually in his normal, low-key stand-out approach on the bombings in Afghanistan (death toll has risen, now 13 in total of American military fatalities, with 14 wounded),…