Category Archives: Weather

Linking Climate Change To Some Weather Events Are Easier Than Others: ‘Making The Connection To Tornadoes Is The Hardest Of All’

December 11, 2021

Piggy-backing on the tornado story from earlier as the question of climate change enters the picture of wreckage as we see twisters of such extreme, and nearly-rare and unusually violent storms, that wrecked the mid-west…

Twisters Unhinged

December 11, 2021

Another horrendous weather-related story way-topped the news cycle this near mid-day Saturday, and it tags on what we here in California’s Central Valley can expect starting tomorrow and running until mid-week. However, last night/today’s tragedy…

Climate Change At Work Again In The Pacific Northwest: Efforts To Combat World Warming Need Bolstering — ‘A Lot Of Inaction That Gets Disguised As Flexibility, And We’re Past That Time’ And On A Short Road To Catastrophe

November 21, 2021

(Illustration found here). As weather events are more and more being closely tied to climate change and the short shadow from the just-completed COP26 (which was another climate-action cop-out) is still weighing heavily in the…

UN Chief António Guterres On COP26 Agreement — ‘We Are Still Knocking On The Door Of Climate Catastrophe’

November 13, 2021

As the world weathers the accelerating impacts of climate change, attendees to COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, finally reached an agreement, though, the entire affair could be another “blah, blah, blah” episode. Nutshell via The Washington…

COVID Pandemic Revealed As A Great National Divider (Science-Sane vs Idiot-Insane) — Will That Matter In Unifying To Combat Climate Change?

November 13, 2021

Deep, wet fog this near-mid-day Saturday here in California’s Central Valley —  a yearly staple for the region, tule fog, which can get thicker-than-shit. However, like a lot of other environmental phenomena nowadays, tule fog…

Greta Thunberg: COP26 No Real Climate Conference, More ‘A Global Greenwashing Festival’

November 6, 2021

Sunshine coupled with cool breezes makes for a fall-like late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — near perfect for tomorrow’s fall-back day. Meanwhile, on the subject of climate and its corresponding weather, COP26 continues…

Climate Change: G20 A Wimpy Bust, Future Of Mankind Might Rest With COP26 — ‘A Daunting Task’

October 31, 2021

Overcast with an occasional splash of faded-yellow sunshine this late afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley — scary-boo night coming, so all is not well. And in a split-screen effect today, just as the…

UN Emissions Report: Cuts Won’t Check It – A ‘Thundering Wake Up Call’ For World Leaders And Our Current Path Of Destruction

October 26, 2021

Sunshine and clear skies this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley as we return to normalcy after a brief-flair of a storm this weekend and yesterday — many parts of the state were slammed…

CO2 Surging Into The Atmosphere, Swamps Climate Change Goals — ‘We Are Way Off Track’

October 25, 2021

Partly cloudy with an occasional glimpse of sunshine here in California’s Central Valley — our version of the first big storm of the season was quick and short with hard rain ending this morning.  Although…