Category Archives: Crime

T-Rump Says Everything is Going to be Great: ‘I feel it’

April 30, 2020

Sunny and breezy a few minutes past the Thursday noon hour here in California’s Central Valley. Warm, but not bad and nowhere like the last couple of days, the cool wind helps, I’m sure —…

Donna Edwards: T-Rump ‘would actually, I think, do better in terms of the public if he’d just shut up’

March 14, 2020

Even on the weekend the wind blows, which way-or-not depends, and so the coronavirus continues to barrel-down upon humanity with full, unchecked glee — we’re coupled with a pandemic and an idiot in charge of…

California Governor: COVID-19 Tests Give ‘A Sense of What We’re Dealing With”

March 12, 2020

Another delightful post this afternoon from Alexandra Petri at the Washington Post: On Wednesday, the president sat behind the Resolute Desk and addressed the nation with soothing and accurate words about the coronavirus. Unfortunately none…