Category Archives: Donald Trump

T-Rump’s Big Lie: ‘Never About Fraud … About Undermining The People’s Faith In Our Democracy’

September 21, 2021

A brown tint to the air this Tuesday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, most-likely smoke off the KNP Complex/Windy fires burning in the Sequoia National Park southeast from where I’m sitting on my ass…

COVID Count: Higher Death Toll Than Spanish Flu — ‘Gob-Gob-Gob-Smacked To The Nth Degree’

September 20, 2021

Major news this Monday afternoon beyond the Wall Street market meltdown is an ugly benchmark made with the current continual horror-story — COVID-19 — as the US has apparently eclipsed Spanish flu dying a hundred…

High-Tech War Executions — Terminator Robots Come Alive To Kill

September 18, 2021

Beyond the shit of America itself, some news today of a horrible science-fiction rattle in modern warfare — an Israeli assassination last year was carried out by robot sniper, and even with high-tech hardware, there…

Mental Divergence Of The T-Rump Known To Assholes In High Places But ‘They Are Cowards’ For Not Making It Public

September 16, 2021

(Illustration: ‘A Wall Made of Fruitcakes,’ by Dave Whamond, and found here). In the context of T-Rump being mentally unstable — i.e., the whole Gen. Milley affair — here’s another instance of assholes in high…

In New Book, Nancy Pelosi On The T-Rump: ‘You Know He’s Crazy. He’s Been Crazy For A Long Time’

September 14, 2021

Big-bang item in the news cycle this Tuesday morning — beyond the Gavin Newsom recall election out here in California (hope to do a post on it later today) — is another horrible inside look…

Adam Kinzinger: Republicans ‘Playing On People’s Fear’ On COVID Vaccine

September 13, 2021

In surfing the InterWebs this afternoon, there was a high shitload of news going on, but notice of Adam Kinziner’s words in an interview struck a match — pretty-much coming from a Republican for Republicans…

California Election Eve — Vote No! On The Recall, Or Else We All Be In Free-Fall

September 13, 2021

Congenial and clear sunshine this mid-day Monday here in California’s Central Valley, with both the actual physical meteorology and the political weather expected to heat up as time moves through the day — tomorrow the…

Democracy’s Peril — Threats/Intimidations Against Election Officials Instigated By T-Rump Lies

September 9, 2021

As we stand this Thursday morning, America’s version of democracy is on the ropes. Latest assault on our system came from/in Texas, and was nearly hidden by an oversized, cruel abortion law, a free-for-all gun…